November Update

Hello RBF supporters - time is flying by and I have not sent an update in awhile. My goal is to send quarterly email updates and twice a year video updates. (coming soon!) Our family has been busy talking about Jesus since "the fire" where 6 family members died and went on before us to heaven. I'm going to give "bullet points" today to keep from being too wordy :)

  • We are praying that the RBF funds are following where God is working and we believe He is honoring that prayer with a bigtime "YES"!

  • RBF sent $10,000 to the Steve Witte Memorial Fund (my brother that died in the fire and was a missionary in Asia) - will train pastors and plant churches in Asia

  • RBF sent $25,000 to the Viet Nam mission field - read an email I received below:

“We were able to Zoom with Terry S last week. He was in Viet Nam and couldn't even describe what's going on there without tears. He is teaching 60 young Vietnamese men who have just started their first round of ministerial training. They have another 120 students who are in the other two training phases. These people have no money, no resources. Many are going back to teach in poverty stricken villages. They often have to use pictures because there is so much illiteracy. They have never heard that God loves them and that salvation is a FREE gift. They are SO excited!!! The Holy Spirit is really moving! Terry also said a LITTLE bit of money goes a LONG way over there!"

  • Here is more about God ON THE MOVE ( a couple snippets from from a letter I received) in Viet Nam:

"There are over two million Hmong people in Southeast Asia, but it was the opportunity in Vietnam, and our work with the Hmong Fellowship Church (HFC), that provided a direct path to share the Gospel. In 2018 missionaries Rev. L and Rev. N began by training 55 HFC church leaders, preparing them to return and serve rural congregations. In July 2023, these 55 men graduated as fully trained pastors. Their graduation photo, taken under the communist hammer and sickle, serves as a powerful reminder of how God’s Gospel can work in way WE CAN HARDLY IMAGINE."

"A theological training center was built and dedicated in Hanoi. In addition to the 120 men currently enrolled in pastoral studies, there are 1,400 rural church leaders ready to be trained in the truths of God’s Word. 700 of them have begun training. This group has the potential to become an ARMY of evangelists, spreading the Gospel not only to their 400 congregations but also to Hmong communities throughout Vietnam and neighboring countries."

There you have it! Our God is amazing - full of mercy, grace and LOVE! The doors are open, the harvest is ripe and the RBF is committed to sharing the precious GOSPEL. It's pretty amazing that He uses US to spread it - but He does. He wants ALL people to be saved and He prepares the way, opening doors for us - let's jump!

 *“See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.” – Revelation 3:8*

Thank you for your prayers and your monetary gifts too - they are 100% used for Gospel outreach...and they go A LONG WAY in Asia!

To donate  - go to or click on this link: (money sent thru my church - you will receive a tax deduction receipt).

God bless you and to God alone be the glory! 

Sharon Buck

P.S. for my Facebook friends - be sure and tune in to the ALL SAINTS DAY sermons I posted on Nov 1... the 18th anniversary of Russ's funeral


January 2025 Update


July Update