What We Do
Where does the money go?
The lion’s share of supporting the work of the Evangelist and Christian training they receive (pre-Seminary and Seminary) is supported by other Christians. However, as is almost always the case in rapidly growing ministry, not all financial needs are being met.
Currently the Russell Buck Fund will assist in providing a minimal “living wage” for the 6 Evangelists (and their families). Meeting the vital need will make it possible for these men to use all their time to do the work of an Evangelist and study full time. The people these men serve with the Gospel supply about half this “living wage” need. Although these new Christians are growing in their understanding of Gospel based Stewardship, at present they cannot support all 6 Evangelists together with the rental cost for apartments in which they worship, teach, train and fellowship.
If, by God’s grace, the Russell Buck Fund generates dollars beyond this minimal “living wage” need, the dollars will go toward books, materials, tuition and travel expenses, food in connection with their monthly travel to and from the Seminary location (which changes from time to time for security reasons). Currently the 6 Evangelists are responsible for all these expenses. Following is a sample budget:
Annual minimal “living wage” in city #1 about $20,000 (4 students need this support).
Annual minimal “living wage” in city #2 about $17,000 (2 students need this support).
Travel, tuition, food, books each month for Seminary training about $200 (for 6 students)